A whole Con for playing
Age of Steam.
200 maps, more food than you can eat,
and a bunch of other people who love playing Age of Steam as much as you do.

Over 200 Maps
If it has ever been published, it will be at Age of Steam Con. Any print-and-play or giveaway of note will be there too. If you want it, we'll have it.
What if everything were twice as big? The map, the tiles, the wooden discs, the goods cubes, and even the goods-growth dice.

It's really big.
Free NEW Map
Everyone will get a free copy of the Con map. We have a few candidates, but we are going to do a little playtesting before we announce what the map will be.
So Much Age of Steam
That is a lot of AoS. We won't hold it against you if you want to take a break every now and then. If you don't, you'll be able to play 12 games over the 3 day weekend.
7 and 8 player games
With all these AoS players around, it is easy to get some big games in on the normally-hard-to-fill 7 and 8 player maps like Netherlands and Central New England.
Rare Maps
Sharing, 20,000 Rails Under the Sea, and other hard to find maps.

No plastic trains, only wooden discs.
No 18XX
There are other Cons for that. Last year some fillers and Winsome's did get some play between Age of Steam games.
Beginners Welcome
There will be some people who have played AoS over 150 times. There will also be people who have played it a couple times. Everyone is welcome.
The People
Last year 65 people attended AoS Con. This year we are expecting at least that many again.

The great people are the biggest reason to come to AoS Con.
Pick Your Map
Before the convention, everyone gets to pick two maps that they want to make sure get played. And then we make sure we play them.
The Binder, The Spreadsheet, and The Drawer
There is a printed spreadsheet with abbreviated rules for every map, a binder with the full rules, and a giant file cabinet with all the maps. It doesn't sound that exciting as I type it out, but it is really a sight to behold in person.
The Setup
What do you do when you're done playing? Just leave the game out. The next people who play on that table will be playing Age of Steam also.
The Food
I try to contain her, but my mother-in-law loves to cook. There is just a lot of of food around all the time.
The Location
This isn't a lame hotel ballroom. Plenty of space between tables, huge windows, and acres to explore outside if you want some fresh air.
We'll cater Kansas City BBQ on Friday, and there are a ton of other good BBQ joints for you to check out while you're here.
Heartland Retreat Center
16965 NW 45 Hwy, Parkville, MO 64152
There's a large gaming room with about 12 tables. And a smaller room with about 4 tables for people who want a quieter, calmer room.

There is a ton of outdoor space to take a break from gaming. Hiking trails, a disc golf course, sand volleyball, basketball, and horseshoes.

If you're flying in, the Con location is only 15 minutes from the airport.
Food is a big part of Age of Steam Con.

Breakfast and coffee will be provided by Heartland Retreat Center in their cafeteria. It is just a couple minutes walk from our lodging and game rooms. It costs $11. Anyone can purchase breakfast during the registration process. Those staying on-site must purchase breakfast per our agreement with the facility.

From around 10am to midnight, Kay will keep us stocked with a mix of snack options. Some heavier stuff. Some lighter stuff. Some healthy things. Some not so healthy things. If you want something to munch on, there will always be something to eat.

We do a weird late-afternoon dinner (around 3:45) because we've found that between breakfast and all the snacking, most people don't want two additional meal breaks. On Friday and Sunday you'll have the option to purchase a catered meal ($24/$20). Friday we'll have some BBQ catered. We haven't decided what the Sunday catered meal will be, but we'll figure out something amazing. On Saturday afternoon we take a longer meal break so you have a chance to grab a group, get away from the venue, and check out a local eatery.

There are several restaurants within a 10 minute drive. So if you decide the food we're providing isn't your style, there are plenty of other options. We do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions. Please let us know of any restrictions when you register.
On-site Options
Cray Lodge. Hotel style rooms with 2 full beds and a private bath. $430 per room, total for the weekend.

Nunemaker Lodge. Hotel style rooms with 3 twin beds and a private bath. $440 per room, total for the weekend.

House of Faith. Bunk rooms. Each bunk room has 2-4 bunk beds (4-8 beds). All the bunk rooms share 2 community style bathrooms and 1.5 additional normal bathrooms. $290 per room, total for the weekend.

The rooms are not fancy or large. But they are clean, on-site, and have everything you need.

You can reserve a room during the registration process. If you want to split your room with other attendees, you can work that out with them, but one of you needs to reserve the full room.

We book the facility as a full package, so all rooms are booked Thursday evening through Monday morning.

Everyone staying on-site must purchase breakfast (provided by the facility) each morning they are there (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, there is no breakfast option on Monday). This is a venue policy. Purchase this breakfast as part of the registration process.

We appreciate everyone who chooses to stay on-site as it helps us quite a bit with the costs.

If you prefer to stay off-site, there are decent hotel options within a few miles.

The easiest option is the Holiday Inn Express 1.3 miles from the venue.
Cray Lodge
Nunemaker Lodge
House of Faith
Spreadsheet, Schedule, and Name Tags
If you like a good spreadsheet, then you'll love prepping for AoS Con. Every year we share a Google Sheet that attendees use to let everyone when they will be at the con, share what maps they want to play, and schedule some games in advance.

If you prefer to just walk-in and go with the flow, that's ok. Most people leave most of their time unscheduled. Anything you do have scheduled (in the spreadsheet) will be printed on your name badge to help you remember.

If you post any maps that you are wanting to play, they will be printed on the front of your name badge. This is the main thing we encourage every attendee to do in the spreadsheet. Even if you don't have strong preference on what you play, it really helps narrow things down instead of everyone just saying, "I don't know, what do YOU want to play."
Thurs 3:00 PM
No real details yet. But a bunch of us will be hanging out. Finishing some last minute setup. Playing some games. Soup and chili provided.
Fri 8:00 AM
For those who purchase in advance ($11). Provided by the Heartland Center.
Fri 9:00 AM
Game Session #1
Featuring: Rust Belt XL, a great intro for newer players.
Fri 12:30 PM
Game Session #2
Fri 3:45 PM
Catered Meal from TBD BBQ
Separate charge during registration ($24).
Fri 5:00 PM
Game Session #3
Fri 8:30 PM
Game Session #4
Gaming room open 24 hours. You're free to keep playing after this session if you want.
SAT 8:00 AM
For those who purchase in advance ($11). Provided by the Heartland Center.
SaT 9:00 AM
Game Session #5
SAT 12:30 PM
Game Session #6
SAT 3:30 PM
Dinner on your own

We'll give you a list of good local restaurants to try.
SAT 5:30 PM
Game Session #7
SAT 9:00 PM
Game Session #8
Gaming room open 24 hours. You're free to keep playing after this session if you want.
SUN 8:00 AM
For those who purchase in advance ($11). Provided by the Heartland Center.
SUN 9:00 AM
Game Session #9
SUN 12:30 PM
Game Session #10
SUN 3:45 PM
Catered Meal from a TBD Restaurant
Separate charge during registration ($20).
SUN 5:00 PM
Game Session #11
SUN 8:30 PM
Game Session #12
Gaming room open 24 hours. You're free to keep playing after this session if you want.

Age of Steam Con keeps going strong all the way until the end. If you choose to stay in town until Monday, there will be plenty of gaming to keep you going Sunday night.
Each year we release two brand new Age of Steam maps. All attendees get a copy of the map for free (professionally printed on 11x17 card stock).

You can buy additional copies of the 2024 map or any of the 2021, 2022, or 2023 maps during the registration process. The 2018, 2019, and 2020 maps are sold out.

If you are unable to attend the con, you can buy the maps through Allplay.
 Join us on Nov 8 - 10 2024
Con registration is $75, includes a Con AoS map and snack food.

Dinners, breakfast, lodging, t-shirts, and additional maps can be purchased during registration.

There is a good chance we will sell out, so don't procrastinate.

Processing Registration...